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BEN @katon9999
Katon Smiteclad
A biography? *Staring into the sunrise* I don't have time for such nonsense while injustice is free to taint the land.
(Human Paladin)
BRIAN @flanzigBF
Borel Evenwind
A high-elf wizard who is skeptical of everyone's intentions, especially the sneaky wood-elf. Known to start a fire or two (or five).
MATT @MattySweetTweet
Aewyn Li'thios
Aewyn likes to keep things short and to the point. Much like this bio. (He's a Wood Elf Ranger)
JOE @jterry707
Baerdram Bourbonbeard
A self conscious Dwarf Barbarian with a drinking problem and an itch for conflict.
KRISTY @kristactics
Leaf Barkman
A shrill halfling druid who's out to prove she can hang with the REAL heroes.
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